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Skills Training

Skills training is designed to provide employees with the targeted training they need to gain the knowledge and abilities necessary to fulfill the specific requirements of their job positions.


Skills training can also be used to re-educate and retrain employees whenever new technology, processes or systems debut.


In addition to skills training for employees, there are also special training programs for new graduates who are just getting started in the workplace. Such training can be especially beneficial for jobs that require applicants to have experience.


Additional specialized training programs include those for disabled veterans, workers’ compensation clients and vocational rehabilitation.

Your modern learners need:

  • A broad set of hard and soft skill offerings on topics such as collaboration, professional development, team building, and project execution available when and where I need them

  • Microlearning—a way to learn fast, with small doses of actionable learning for optimal retention

  • Multi-dimensional content with practice and retrieval options to reinforce and retain learning

  • Tools to embed learning and practice on the job

  • Certification in key hard skill areas, such as project management and Six Sigma

In the next 4 years, over one-third of skills that are considered important in today’s workforce will significantly change.

World Economic Forum
The Fourth Industrial Revolution, 2016.

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