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Water Saving

70% of the earth is covered with water, but only 1% is easily accessible to us. Water is such a scarce resource and with more and more news of areas fighting with water shortages and droughts, saving water and using it more efficiently has become an absolute necessity.


Even if your home has an abundant supply of water, saving water and reducing wastage becomes a common responsibility towards our future generations. Reducing your water usage will also reduce electricity used directly or indirectly.

With water being such a vital natural resource for life, saving water and reducing the wastage of water is a great way to take action. All of us can adopt and implement some very easy ways to start this fight for conserving water for our future generations.

Water Saving Tips

Saving Water in the Bathroom

1. Fix your Taps

Known or unknown leaks in taps, pipes, and toilets can result in up to 11,000 Liters of water being wasted. You should always check all your bath fittings for any leakage and get the leaks repaired as soon as possible. This will not only save wastage of water but will also avoid any damage to your walls and fittings.

2. Turn Off the Tap While Brushing your Teeth or Shaving

An average tap or faucet throws approximately 10 liters of water every minute. So don’t leave the tap open while brushing or shaving. Turn off the faucet after you wet your brush, and turn it on when it’s time to rinse.

3. Flush with Less

Older flush use 3 to 4 times more water as compared to the new ones. Convert your old flush toilet to a dual-flush toilet. A dual-flush toilet allows you to use less water to flush liquid waste and more water to flush solid waste simply by pressing the correct button.

Saving Water in the Kitchen

1. Washing Dishes by Hand?

When you are washing dishes by hand don’t leave the water running for rinsing. Fill up your sink with water or use a large pan or bucket for rinsing the dishes. This will minimize the water wastage by not letting the water run the whole time when you’re scrubbing the dishes.

2. Clean Fruits & Vegetables in a Pan

When you need to clean fruits and vegetables with water, try filling up a pan of water to wash them instead of letting the faucet run. By doing this, not only you will use less water but you can also use the water from the Pan for watering your plants.

Saving Water while Washing Clothes

1. Replace your Old In-efficient Washing Machine with an Efficient Washing Machine

Old-style top-loading washing machines use 150 to 170 Liters of water per wash. You can reduce this by up to 50% by using high-efficiency top-loading washing machines. Front-loading washing machines use much less water and electricity than top-loading washing machines.

2. Wash Less Often

Several clothes like sweaters, jeans, towels, track pants and jackets do not require washing every time you wear them. This will not only save water but will save wear and tear on your clothes.

Saving Water while using Outdoors

1. Use Smart Watering Tactics on your Garden and Plants

You can keep your home garden and plants green and healthy without wasting too much water. You should always water areas that truly need it. The best time of day to do your watering is in the morning or evening so that the water doesn’t immediately evaporate. Do not water on a rainy day. Water deeply but less often. This will encourage plants to grow deeper roots, and plants with deeper roots require water less frequently. If you are watering using a pipe, connect a hose or spray gun at the end. Water saving hoses and spray guns cover more area and use comparatively lesser water.

2. Use a Bucket to Wash your Car

While using a bucket may require a little more effort but using a bucket instead of a running water pipe to wash your car will definitely reduce the wastage of water.

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